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Highly Recommended! Great Work Relationship!

On Aug 11th Trailside Structures delivered a cabin I contracted them to build. The cabin was built in their workshop in Moore Mt. The structure of the cabin size was one of their standard size, roof style and wall height. I asked them to modify the interior and add a second floor which required lowering the floor and installing a fold down ladder to access the second floor. I asked them to shell up the cabin because I was going to finish out the inside myself. I worked with Trailside Structures giving them drawings and dimensions where I would like things and how and they were very receptive to the things I wanted, and they made suggestions of how they would like things, so it would make it easier to build and satisfy what I was looking for. First, I would have to say it was an excellent work relationship since there was an ease of setting on details of the cabin to fit my needs and for them to build the cabin. Second the materials and choice of colors was easy for my wife and me to choose what we were looking for in the cabin. I would highly recommend Trailside Structures to anyone who is looking for a utility shed they want to modify into a cabin.

Howard R. Duvall